Life will bring us all many obstacles that we’ll struggle with. If you’re like most of us, you’ll encounter unreasonable bosses, difficult clients and co-workers, challenging family members and friends. You’ll experience illnesses, losses, crises and setbacks that will catch you by surprise and knock you off your feet.

Failure is an Opportunity
What’s important is to never let yourself be discouraged by your challenges or to view them as a disadvantage. Instead, understand that the challenges you face and the adversity you overcome can actually be some of your biggest advantages. You’re not defined by what someone says is a failure for you, because the role of failure is to point you in a different direction.

Trust Your Instincts
In order to address any challenge, each of us must first get still and ask ourselves, “ What is the next right move for me?” Don’t make the move that others tell you to make, or that circumstances seem to dictate. Act based on your own realization of what is right for you.

Baby Steps
From that space of introspection, make the next right move, then the next right move, and so on. These step-by-step measures will enable you to manage any challenge without getting too overwhelmed because you know your life is bigger than any one moment.
Start Living Your Best Life!
Grab your free copy of our guide, “10 Principles to Live Your Best Life”, and learn about 10 essential principles you can practice daily to finally achieve everything you have set your sights on.

Today Is a New Day
You don’t have to hold yourself hostage to who you used to be or what you used to do. Who has lived and hasn’t made a mistake? It’s so easy to look back over the years and pick out foolish decisions you’ve made. It’s easy to blame the people you gave your power away to by trying so hard to please them, and who then treated you disrespectfully.
Don’t do it. Take ownership of your decision to give away your power in the first place because you didn’t know better. Now, you do. So hold on to your power and do better.

Do Try This At Home
Reflect on and answer these questions:
- Consider the people and circumstances in your professional and personal life. What or who has challenged you and plunged you into an emotional downward spiral?
- What have you learned from enduring this struggle and coming out the other end?
- How will the experience benefit your life moving forward?

Final Thoughts
Failure is an opportunity to turn your wounds into wisdom. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep pursuing your goals. Because the more times you pick yourself up, correct and continue, the more resilience and maturity you will gain to keep moving forward!

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All you need is the key. Hartuition can help.