My work focuses on helping people make significant and permanent changes in their lives to achieve greater results so they can be more connected, fulfilled and successful in all areas of their lives; in their relationships, in their careers, in their communities, in their gym experiences and so much more. The ultimate goal is for them to live their lives from a place of authenticity.
Authentic living is about living your life from a place of worthiness. To live authentically, you need to foster courage, compassion, and connection, so you can go about your days satisfied that no matter what you’ve accomplished, no matter what you’ve left incomplete, you are enough. Also, you’ll discover your authenticity when you readily accept that you’re imperfect, vulnerable, and occasionally fearful while, at the same time, you feel worthy of love and belonging. The following describes one of the strategies practiced by authentic men and women to live more courageous, more compassionate and connected lives.
I lived more than half of my childhood in the mighty state of Texas. A slogan often recited with pride by many Texans is, “Don’t Mess with Texas!”. Initially, it was a slogan used for a campaign to reduce littering in the state. Now, the slogan meaning goes beyond discouraging littering. It has become an identity statement which many Texans use to express confidence and a rather rough and tuff attitude. I grew up with the mindset to do whatever it takes to push through challenges no matter how tired or overwhelmed I was, or to please/perform/perfect the way I normally would… even when I just want to flip someone off or hide under the covers.
My family moved to California where I attended high school and university. Although I stopped saying “Don’t Mess with Texas”, I maintained the same attitude and substituted the slogans “Suck It Up” or “Push, Push, Push” to express my desire to persevere no matter what it cost’, no matter how tired or overwhelmed I was.
As I’ve progressed through adulthood, I’ve come to realize the importance of self-care. Sometimes when I’m feeling emotionally, physically and spiritually drained, I encourage myself to slow down rather than relying on my old mantras: Suck It Up; or Push, Push, Push.
Today, when a challenging situation warrants it, I DIG Deep. According to Dr. Brene Brown, Ph.D., L.M.S.W., women and men who live authentic lives do indeed DIG Deep. When they’re worn out and overwhelmed they get…
Inspired to make new and different choices;
Going. They take action.
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Here’s an example of how DIGing deep is responsible for the creation of Hartuition. Many years ago, I was a fitness trainer and nutritionist helping my clients achieve their health and fitness goals. I loved helping people but I also often struggled to stay focused on the activity of designing fitness and nutrition plans for them. I worked from my home office, and found that my mind would incessantly wander to different household tasks that needed attention. I even found myself getting up out of my chair to do this chore and that chore… rather than completing a work-related project.
How About You?
Can you think of scenarios in your life where you can DIG Deep?

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