There’s a single mental process that can solve enormous problems for you. It has the potential to improve almost any personal or business situation you’ll ever encounter… and it could literally propel you down the path to incredible success. That mental activity is DECISION.

The Power of Decision Making
Decisions (or the lack of them) are responsible for the making or breaking many careers. People whose annual incomes fall into the six and seven figure categories have become very proficient at making decisions, without being overly influenced by the opinions of others.
However, it’s not just your income that’s affected by decisions; the whole course of your life can be driven by your ability to make decisions. The health of your mind and your body, the well-being of your family, your social life, the type of relationships you develop… All depend on your ability to make sound decisions.

We’re Not Trained in Decision Making
You would think that something as important as decision making, which has far-reaching consequences, would be taught in every school, but it’s not. Up until recently, decision making has also been absent from most of the corporate training and human resource programs available.
Make decisions, don’t have them made for you. Decisions are usually a consequence of time and place. If you actively decide something, it is apparent to you. But even if you do not actively make a decision, the passage of time will usually make it for you.
For those things, time will affect your life in a major way. Be aware of the decision-making circumstance. You may choose to change things or allow things to continue or change course (which is itself a type of decision). But if you aren’t aware of the decision-making circumstance, you’ll always be a victim of fate.
Start Living Your Best Life!
Grab your free copy of our guide, “10 Principles to Live Your Best Life”, and learn about 10 essential principles you can practice daily to finally achieve everything you have set your sights on.

Making Committed Decisions
There’s a difference between being interested in doing something and being committed to doing something. When you are interested, you will make the decision when it’s convenient and comfortable for you, or not make an active decision at all. That’s generally not the kind of decision making that will draw you closer to achieving your goals. Only committed decisions can do that.
A committed decision usually involves change and action that takes you further towards your goal. The change or action can be tangible, such as expenditure of money, or psychological, such as deciding in a manner that is, in your mind, irreversible. Once a committed decision is made, you will have less uncertainty in your life and generally less doubt. You are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. You refuse to listen to the influences of your old programming.
Final Thoughts
You can virtually eliminate conflict and confusion in your life by becoming proficient at making decisions. Decision-making brings order to the mind, and of course, this order is then reflected in your results. Need some help along your journey? Contact Hartuition today.

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