The whole process of setting and achieving goals can have a very positive and significant impact on our lives. Our success is dependent upon the kind of goals we establish and the initiative we take to accomplish them.
“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”
Earl Nightingale
Our Belief Systems
Before we can begin to consider the goals we want to set in place, we must examine our belief systems that dwell deep within us. Those beliefs dictate the degree within which we can tap into our unlimited potential and grow. If our beliefs are limiting, our growth will be restricted, and we most likely won’t move forward towards achieving our goals. In fact, our minds will automatically create reasons why we can’t accomplish them. However, we can choose to believe with great sincerity that we can achieve our goals, and the mind will respond automatically by creating ideas that will take us on the path to accomplishment.
The Worthy Goal
The Worthy Goal is the one you strive for that you have never accomplished before. It must be the kind of goal that challenges you, makes you delve down deep into your core to discover your unlimited potential and your creative abilities. Most people live their entire lives without establishing and fulfilling a Worthy Goal.
Goals can be grouped in three categories. Some people establish goals they know they can achieve (Type A Goals), while others strive to achieve goals they think they can accomplish (Type B Goals). A and B goals aren’t effective. They don’t inspire you and provide an opportunity for you to grow. The key is to create a Type C goal, your Worthy Goal. It has to be something you dream about but can’t fathom how you’ll achieve it. A Worthy Goal must make you stretch far beyond the boundaries of your known capabilities, knowledge, and resources in order to achieve it!
Start Living Your Best Life!
Grab your free copy of our guide, “10 Principles to Live Your Best Life”, and learn about 10 essential principles you can practice daily to finally achieve everything you have set your sights on.
Making Your Fantasy a Reality
Once you have your fantasy goal, it must be moved towards a reality. You have to consider the questions; “Are you willing? Are you able?” If you answer “Yes” to both then you can move forward in the Creative Process of making your fantasy a fact. It’s important that you don’t allow outside people and circumstances, to influence your decisions. This is about you getting emotionally involved with your goal. It’s key to changing your current behavior and achieving new and improved results in your life.
My Own Worthy Goal
I established my Worthy Goal three years ago when I decided to put on my entrepreneur hat and create my company, Hartuition. I created a clear vision of an extremely successful company that would offer training and coaching services and programs in the areas of fitness, nutrition and personal and professional development.
I envisioned myself working with clients all over the world, assisting them in making significant and permanent mental and physical transformations. I know that this was a dream that had to become a reality, but I had no idea how I was going to make it happen.
Over the past three years, I haven’t allowed this uncertainty to deter me from pursuing my path. Every day, I check my belief systems to ensure they support me in moving closer to achieving my goal. I have the courage, confidence, and determination to take advantage of all the ideas and opportunities I discover to make my dream a reality.
I’ve always considered myself as my first client. I share my experiences as I work with clients for it enables us to connect on an emotional level, the place where true transformations originate.
Over To You
How about you? Do you feel that your belief system is limiting your ability to reach your goals? Have you found your Worthy Goal? I’d love to hear from you in the comments. And when you’re ready and willing to make your fantasy a reality, please let me know if you need a little expert guidance. I love to help unlock people’s true potential!

The Results You Want Are Within Reach
All you need is the key. Hartuition can help.
I too set a worthy goal! I had a dream to publish a book to inspire others, and my dream is becoming a reality!